Cheek Fillers Injections (Radiesse & Juvederm Voluma) Video

I believe that the focal point of an attractive face are the cheeks. Please watch as I reflate, rejuvenate, and lift the cheeks of this lovely lady to bring back the youthful “apples” of her mid-face. This gives the face a “V-shape” which is beautiful.

As one ages, the cheeks deflate and sag which gives us nasal-labial folds and jowls. Genetic and natural, environmental factors adds to loss of skin tone, collagen and a “squared” facial appearance.

By using long-lasting cheek fillers such as Radiesse and Juvederm Voluma, a reflated lift and added volume will be achieved to regain a youthful facial shape.

Both Radiesse and Juvederm last approximately up to 2 years at which time touch-ups will be needed to maintain facial cheek support.

Interested in Radiesse, Juvederm Voluma or other long-lasting cheek fillers? Please call Dr. Lebowitz, at Lebowitz Plastic Surgery, in Huntington, Long Island NY for your free cheek reflation consultation at – 631-424-0101.

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