Skin Tightening Treatment

Skin Tightening

Skin is a naturally elastic tissue that appears smooth and tight in its natural form. However, various circumstances, such as pregnancy, extreme weight loss, age, or even liposuction can leave behind loose, unwanted skin. Though hydration, a balanced diet, and exercise can help improve muscle tone, only medical intervention can significantly improve the appearance of sagging or loose skin. But instead of going under the knife for a tummy tuck, laser skin tightening is available to help restore elasticity to the skin in just one office visit.

Laser skin tightening can be used to not only tighten overlying skin, but also reduce unwanted fat beneath. Here at Lebowitz Plastic Surgery, many of our patients turn to SmartLipo laser skin tightening to help with common ‘trouble spots’ like underarm batwings and sagging necks. SmartLipo may also be effective for reducing flanks, getting firmer thighs, or achieving the firmness that a woman enjoyed prior to pregnancy.

The laser-assisted procedure simultaneously removes fat as it is tightening the surrounding supportive tissues. Laser energy stimulates collagen, minimizing dimpling and post-procedural sagging. Minimally invasive laser skin tightening is generally performed under local anesthesia while patients are awake, though they are sometimes lightly sedated for comfort.

For more information about skin tightening and whether it’s right for you, contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lebowitz.